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‘I don’t believe they are sorry’: Grenfell survivors on their hopes for public inquiry

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As the report is published, people who lived through 2017 fire hope it gets to the truth of what happened – and opens the door to prosecutions

In Ed Daffarn’s flat stands a pot of feathers from sparrow hawks, owls, falcons, even a kookaburra. Over the past seven years he has added to it, plume after plume, steadily replacing a collection that turned to ashes when Grenfell Tower went up in flames.

Daffarn, an avid birdwatcher who had predicted disaster on a blog eight months before the fire, only just escaped from his 16th-floor flat by groping his way through thick smoke. His feathers were among a lifetime’s possessions – cricket gear, mementoes of his late parents – reduced to ash in the tragedy that claimed 72 lives.

Continue reading… World news | The Guardian

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